Configuring Tel Profile

The Tel Profiles table lets you configure up to 9Tel Profiles. A Tel Profile is a set of parameters with specific settings which can be assigned to specific calls. The Tel Profiles table includes a wide range of parameters for configuring the Tel Profile. Each of these parameters has a corresponding "global" parameter, which when configured applies to all calls. The main difference, if any, between the Tel Profile parameters and their corresponding global parameters are their default values.

Tel Profiles provide high-level adaptation when the device interworks between different equipment and protocols (at both the Tel and IP sides), each of which may require different handling by the device. For example, if specific channels require the use of the G.711 coder, you can configure a Tel Profile with this coder and assign it to these channels.

To use your Tel Profile for specific calls, you need to assign it to specific channels (trunks or endpoints) in the Trunk Groups table (see Configuring Trunk Groups).

The following procedure describes how to configure Tel Profiles through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [TelProfile] or CLI (configure voip > coders-and-profiles tel-profile).

To configure a Tel Profile:
1. Open the Tel Profiles table (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Coders & Profiles folder > Tel Profiles).
2. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

3. Configure a Tel Profile according to the parameters described in the table below. For a description of each parameter, refer to the corresponding "global" parameter.
4. Click Apply.

Tel Profile Table Parameter Descriptions






Defines an index number for the new table row.

Note: Each row must be configured with a unique index.




Defines a descriptive name, which is used when associating the row in other tables.

The valid value is a string of up to 40 characters.


Configure each row with a unique name.
The parameter value can't contain a forward slash (/).
The parameter value can't be configured with the character string "any" (upper or lower case).


'Profile Preference'



Defines the priority of the Tel Profile, where 1 is the lowest priority and 20 the highest priority.


If both the IP Profile and Tel Profile apply to the same call, the coders and common parameters of the Preferred profile are applied to the call.
If the Preference of the Tel Profile and IP Profile are identical, the Tel Profile parameters are applied.
If the coder lists of both the IP Profile and Tel Profile apply to the same call, only the coders common to both are used. The order of the coders is determined by the preference.

'Fax Signaling Method'



Defines the SIP signaling method for establishing and transmitting a fax session when the device detects a fax.

[0] No Fax = (Default) No fax negotiation using SIP signaling. The fax transport method is according to the FaxTransportMode parameter.
[1] T.38 Relay = Initiates T.38 fax relay.
[2] G.711 Transport = Initiates fax/modem using the coder G.711 A-law/Mu-law with adaptations (see Note below).
[3] Fax Fallback = Initiates T.38 fax relay. If the T.38 negotiation fails, the device re-initiates a fax session using the coder G.711 A-law/Mu-law with adaptations (see the Note below).
[4] G.711 Reject T.38 = Initiates fax/modem using the coder G.711 A-law/Mu-law with adaptations (see Note below), but if the incoming media is of type IMAGE, the device rejects the re-INVITE message for T.38.


Fax adaptations (for options 2 and 3):
Echo Canceller = On
Silence Compression = Off
Echo Canceller Non-Linear Processor Mode = Off
Dynamic Jitter Buffer Minimum Delay = 40
Dynamic Jitter Buffer Optimization Factor = 13
If the device initiates a fax session using G.711 (option 2 or 3), a 'gpmd' attribute is added to the SDP in the following format:
For A-law: 'a=gpmd:8 vbd=yes;ecan=on'
For Mu-law: 'a=gpmd:0 vbd=yes;ecan=on'
When the parameter is set to 1, 2, or 3, the parameter FaxTransportMode is ignored.
When the parameter is set to 0, T.38 might still be used without the control protocol's involvement. To completely disable T.38, set FaxTransportMode to a value other than 1.
For more information on fax transport methods, see Fax/Modem Transport Modes.
The corresponding global parameter is [IsFaxUsed].

'Enable Digit Delivery'



Enables the Digit Delivery feature, which sends DTMF digits of the called number to the phone line (device's analog port or digital B-channel) after the call is answered (i.e., line is off-hooked for FXS or seized for FXO) for IP-to-Tel calls.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable

Digital interfaces: If the called number in IP-to-Tel call includes the characters 'w' or 'p', the device places a call with the first part of the called number (before 'w' or 'p') and plays DTMF digits after the call is answered. If the character 'w' is used, the device waits for detection of a dial tone before it starts playing DTMF digits. For example, if the called number is '1007766p100', the device places a call with 1007766 as the destination number, then after the call is answered it waits 1.5 seconds ('p') and plays the rest of the number (100) as DTMF digits. Additional examples: 1664wpp102, 66644ppp503, and 7774w100pp200.


Analog interfaces: The called number can include characters 'p' (1.5 seconds pause) and 'd' (detection of dial tone). If character 'd' is used, it must be the first 'digit' in the called number. The character 'p' can be used several times.
For example (for FXS/FXO interfaces), the called number can be as follows: d1005, dpp699, p9p300. To add the 'd' and 'p' digits, use the usual number manipulation rules.
Analog interfaces: To use this feature with FXO interfaces, configure the device to operate in one-stage dialing mode.
Analog interfaces: If the parameter is enabled, it is possible to configure the FXS/FXO interface to wait for dial tone per destination phone number (before or during dialing of destination phone number). Therefore, the parameter IsWaitForDialTone (configurable for the entire device) is ignored.
The FXS interface send SIP 200 OK responses only after the DTMF dialing is complete.
The corresponding global parameter is [EnableDigitDelivery].

'Dial Plan Index'



Defines the Dial Plan index to use in the external Dial Plan file.

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [DialPlanIndex].

'Call Priority Mode'



Defines call priority handling.

[0] Disable (default).
[1] MLPP = Enables MLPP Priority Call handling. MLPP prioritizes call handling whereby the relative importance of various kinds of communications is strictly defined, allowing higher precedence communication at the expense of lower precedence communications. Higher priority calls override less priority calls when, for example, congestion occurs in a network.
[2] Emergency = Enables Preemption of IP-to-Tel E911 emergency calls. If the device receives an E911 call and there are unavailable channels to receive the call, the device terminates one of the channel calls and sends the E911 call to that channel. The preemption is done only on a channel belonging to the same Trunk Group for which the E911 call was initially destined and if the channel select mode (configured by the ChannelSelectMode parameter) is set to other than By Dest Phone Number (0). The preemption is done only if the incoming IP-to-Tel call is identified as an emergency call. The device identifies emergency calls by one of the following:
The destination number of the IP call matches one of the numbers configured by the EmergencyNumbers parameter. (For E911, you must configure the parameter to "911".)
The incoming SIP INVITE message contains the “emergency” value in the Priority header.


For more information, see Pre-empting Existing Call for E911 IP-to-Tel Call.
The corresponding global parameter is [CallPriorityMode].


'Time For Reorder Tone'



Defines the duration (in seconds) that the device plays a busy or reorder tone before releasing the line.

Typically, after playing the busy or reorder tone for this duration, the device starts playing an offhook warning tone.

The valid range is 0 to 254. The default is 0 seconds for analog interfaces . Note that the Web interface denotes the default value as "255".


The selected busy or reorder tone is according to the SIP release cause code received from IP.
The corresponding global parameter is [TimeForReorderTone].

'Enable Voice Mail Delay'



Enables and disables voice mail services.

[0] Disable
[1] Enable (default)

The parameter is useful if you want to disable voice mail services per Trunk Group to eliminate the phenomenon of call delay on Trunks that do not implement voice mail when voice mail is configured using the global parameter, VoiceMailInterface.

'Swap Tel To IP Phone Numbers'



Enables the device to swap the calling and called numbers received from the Tel side (for Tel-to-IP calls). The SIP INVITE message contains the swapped numbers.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [SwapTEl2IPCalled&CallingNumbers].

'IP-to-Tel Cut-Through Call Mode'



Enables the Cut-Through feature, which allows phones connected to the device’s FXS ports to automatically receive IP calls (if there is no other currently active call) even when in off-hook state (and no call is currently active).

[0] Disable = Calls can only be received in on-hook state.
[1] Cut-Through = (Enabled with tones) Calls can be received in off-hook state. When the IP side ends the call, the device can play a reorder tone to the Tel side for a user-defined duration (configured by the CutThroughTimeForReorderTone parameter). Once the tone stops playing, the FXS phone is ready to automatically answer another incoming IP call in off-hook state. A waiting call is automatically answered by the device when the current call is terminated (and if the EnableCallWaiting parameter is configured to 1).
[2] Cut-Through and Paging = (Enabled and no tones) Calls can be received in off-hook state, but no tones are played (before or after the call) in off-hook state. The option is useful for paging calls, which provides a one-way voice path from the paging phone to the paged phones (FXS phones).
[3] Cut-Through and Streaming = Enabled and allows playing music-on-hold (MoH) that is received from an external media (audio) player. For more information, see Configuring MoH from External Audio Source.


The parameter is applicable only to FXS interfaces.
The corresponding global parameter is [CutThrough]. this global parameter currently doesn't support the CutThrough+Streaming option.


'DTMF Volume'



Defines the DTMF gain control value (in decibels) to the Tel side.

The valid range is -31 to 0 dB. The default is -11 dB.

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [DTMFVolume].

'Input Gain'



Defines the pulse-code modulation (PCM) input (received) gain control level (in decibels), which is the level of the received signal for Tel-to-IP calls.

The valid range is -32 to 31 dB. The default is 0 dB.

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [InputGain].

'Voice Volume'



Defines the voice gain control (in decibels), which is the level of the transmitted signal for IP-to-Tel calls.

The valid range is -32 to 31 dB. The default is 0 dB.

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [VoiceVolume].

'Enable AGC'



Enables the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) feature. The AGC feature automatically adjusts the level of the received signal to maintain a steady (configurable) volume level.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable


For more information on AGC, see Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
The corresponding global parameter is [EnableAGC].


'Enable Polarity Reversal'



Enables the Polarity Reversal feature for call release.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable = Enables polarity reversal:
FXS Interfaces: The device changes the line polarity on call answer and then changes it back on call release.


The parameter is applicable to FXS interfaces.
The corresponding global parameter is [EnableReversalPolarity].

'Enable Current Disconnect'



Enables call release upon detection of a Current Disconnect signal.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable = Enables the current disconnect service.
FXS Interfaces: The device generates a 'Current Disconnect Pulse' after the call is released from the IP side.


The parameter is applicable to FXS interfaces.
The current disconnect duration is configured by the [CurrentDisconnectDuration parameter].
The current disconnect threshold (FXO only) is configured by the [CurrentDisconnectDefaultThreshold] parameter.
The frequency at which the analog line voltage is sampled is configured by the [TimeToSampleAnalogLineVoltage] parameter.
The corresponding global parameter is [EnableCurrentDisconnect].

'DID Wink'



Enables Direct Inward Dialing (DID) using Wink-Start signaling, typically used for signaling between an E-911 switch and the PSAP.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Single = The device can be used for connection to EIA/TIA-464B DID Loop Start lines. FXS (generation) are supported:
FXS Interfaces: The device generates a Wink signal upon detection of an off-hook state, instead of playing a dial tone.

For example: (Wink) KP I(I) xxx-xxxx ST (Off Hook)


I = one or two information digits
x = ANI
[2] Double Wink = Double-wink signaling. This is applicable to FXS interfaces only. The device generates the first Wink upon detection of an off-hook state in the line. The second Wink is generated after a user-defined interval (configured by the TimeBetweenDIDWinks parameter) after which the DTMF/MF digits are collected by the device. Digits that arrive between the first and second Wink are ignored as they contain the same number. For example:
(Wink) KP 911 ST (Wink) KP I(I) xxx-xxxx ST (Off Hook)
[3] Wink & Polarity =
FXS Interfaces: The device generates the first Wink after it detects an off-hook state. A polarity change from normal to reversed is generated after a user-defined time (configured by the TimeBetweenDIDWinks parameter). DTMF/MF digits are collected by the device only after this polarity change. Digits that arrive between the first Wink and the polarity change are ignored as they always contain the same number. In this mode, the device doesn't generate a polarity change to normal if the Tel-to-IP call is answered by an IP party. Polarity reverts to normal when the call is released. For example:
(Wink) KP 911 ST (Polarity) KP I(I) xxx-xxxx ST (Off Hook)


For FXS interfaces, the EnableReversalPolarity and PolarityReversalType parameters must be configured to 1.
The parameter is applicable to FXS interfaces.
The corresponding global parameter is [EnableDIDWink].

IP Settings

'Coders Group'



Assigns a Coder Group, which defines audio (voice) coders that can be used for the endpoints associated with the Tel Profile.

To configure Coders Groups, see Configuring Coder Groups.

'RTP IP DiffServ'



Defines the DiffServ value for Premium Media class of service (CoS) content.

The valid range is 0 to 63. The default is 46.


For more information on DiffServ, see Configuring Class-of-Service QoS.
The corresponding global parameter is [PremiumServiceClassMediaDiffServ].

'Signaling DiffServ'



Defines the DiffServ value for Premium Control CoS content (Call Control applications).

The valid range is 0 to 63. The default is 40.


For more information on DiffServ, see Configuring Class-of-Service QoS.
The corresponding global parameter is [PremiumServiceClassControlDiffServ].

'Enable Early Media'



Enables the Early Media feature, which sends media (e.g., ringing) before the call is established.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable
The device sends a SIP 183 Session Progress response with SDP instead of a 180 Ringing, allowing the media stream to be established before the call is answered.


To send a 183 response, you must also set the ProgressIndicator2IP parameter to 1. If set to 0, a 180 Ringing response is sent.
The corresponding global parameter is [EnableEarlyMedia].

'Progress Indicator to IP'



Defines the progress indicator (PI) sent to the IP.

[-1] = (Default) Not configured:
Default values are used (0 for FXS interfaces).
[0] No PI =
For IP-to-Tel calls, the device sends a 180 Ringing response to IP after placing a call to a phone (FXS).
[1] PI = 1 =
For IP-to-Tel calls, if the EnableEarlyMedia parameter is set to 1, the device sends a 183 Session Progress message with SDP immediately after a call is placed to a phone/PBX. This is used to cut-through the voice path before the remote party answers the call. This allows the originating party to listen to network call progress tones such as ringback tone or other network announcements.
[8] PI = 8 = Same as PI = 1.

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [ProgressIndicator2IP].

Echo Canceler

'Echo Canceler'



Enables the device's Echo Cancellation feature (i.e., echo from voice calls is removed).

[0] Disable
[1] Line Echo Canceller (default)
[2] Acoustic

For more information on echo cancellation, see Configuring Echo Cancellation.

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [EnableEchoCanceller].

'EC NLP Mode'



Enables Non-Linear Processing (NLP) mode for echo cancellation.

[0] Adaptive NLP = (Default) NLP adapts according to echo changes
[1] Disable NLP

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [ECNLPMode].

Jitter Buffer

'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Minimum Delay'



Defines the minimum delay (in msec) of the device's dynamic Jitter Buffer.

The valid range is 0 to 150. The default delay is 10.

For more information on Jitter Buffer, see Configuring the Dynamic Jitter Buffer.

Note: The corresponding global parameter is [DJBufMinDelay].

'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Maximum Delay'



Defines the maximum delay (in msec) for the device's Dynamic Jitter Buffer.

The default is 300.

'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Optimization Factor'



Defines the Dynamic Jitter Buffer frame error/delay optimization factor.

The valid range is 0 to 12. The default factor is 10.

For more information on Jitter Buffer, see Configuring the Dynamic Jitter Buffer.


For data (fax and modem) calls, configure the parameter to 12.
The corresponding global parameter is [DJBufOptFactor].

Analog MWI

'MWI Analog Lamp'



Enables the visual display of message waiting indications (MWI).

[0] Disable (default).
[1] Enable = Enables visual MWI by supplying line voltage of approximately 100 VDC to activate the phone's lamp.


The parameter is applicable only to FXS interfaces.
The corresponding global parameter is [MWIAnalogLamp].

'MWI Display'



Enables sending MWI information to the phone display.

[0] Disable = (Default) Does not send MWI information to the phone's display.
[1] Enable = The device generates an MWI message (determined by the CallerIDType parameter), which is displayed on the MWI display.


The parameter is applicable only to FXS interfaces.
The corresponding global parameter is [MWIDisplay].

'MWI Notification Timeout'



Defines the maximum duration (timeout) that a message MWI is displayed on endpoint equipment (phones LED, screen notification or voice tone). When the timeout expires, the MWI is removed. However, each time a new MWI is sent to the endpoint, the timeout restarts its countdown again. For example, assume the timeout is configured to 10 seconds and the timeout has 2 seconds left until the current MWI is removed. If the endpoint now receives a new MWI, the timeout starts counting once again from 10 seconds, displaying both MWIs until the timeout expires.

The valid value range is 0 to 2,000,000 seconds, where 0 means unlimited display (default).


The parameter is applicable only to FXS interfaces.
The corresponding global parameter is [MWINotificationTimeout].

Analog FXO

'Flash Hook Period'



Defines the hook-flash period (in msec) for Tel and IP sides. For the IP side, it defines the hook-flash period reported to the IP. For the analog side, it defines the following:

FXS interfaces:
Maximum hook-flash detection period. A longer signal is considered an off-hook or on-hook event.
Hook-flash generation period upon detection of a SIP INFO message containing a hook-flash signal.

The valid range is 25 to 3,000. The default is 700.


The parameter is applicable to FXS interfaces
The corresponding global parameter is [FlashHookPeriod].